Meet Pete

My Family:

  • My wife Lijuan has an amazing life story.  Born and raised in Beijing, she’s completely self-made earning a double Masters including an MBA from Northwestern.  Our son Matt is truly a gift from God.  His entering our lives has been nothing short of a miracle.


My Background:

  • Casper resident beginning in 3rd grade, 1972.
  • Diverse work experience, blue/white collar. (tree surgeon to Mechanical Engineer) I’ve lived both sides.
  • Self-funded BS/ME Casper College/UW.
  • Retired after 30+ years with major integrated oil company supporting multiple global locations and cultures across refining, pipelines, gas plants and upstream fields both on shore and off shore. I’ve worked literally from the end product gas station pump all the way through to the subsurface reservoir.
  • 2021 moved back to Casper in support of my Mom still living in the same home I grew up in on Casper mountain.